
Acoustic Neuroma

Offering excellent results in the treatment of acoustic neuroma facial paralysis, Doctor Be improves the quality of life of its patients with personalized treatment plans. In line with these perfect results, he brings his patients to the results they desire both psychologically and physically.

What is Acoustic Neuroma (Vestibüler Schwannoma)?

Acoustic Neuroma Facial Nerve Palsy, also known as vestibular schwannoma, is a type of tumor, usually benign, that arises from Schwann cells that form the sheath of the hearing and balance nerves (eighth cranial nerve). This type of tumor can cause symptoms such as hearing loss, tinnitus, balance problems and dizziness because it increases pressure on the nerves that travel from the inner ear to the brain. It can also put pressure on other nerves in the surrounding area, leading to more serious neurological problems such as weakness or numbness in the facial muscles. As this disease can progress rapidly, it is important to get a quick and accurate diagnosis in suspected cases. Therefore, contact your doctor if you feel any possible symptoms of acoustic neuroma facial palsy.

Acoustic Neuroma

Types of Acoustic Neuroma Facial Paralysis (Vestibular Schwannomas)

Acoustic neuroma facial palsy can be classified according to their size, growth rate and the areas they affect. In general, there are two main types: Sporadic acoustic neuroma facial nerve palsy and acoustic neuromas associated with Genetic Type 2 (NF2). To examine these types of acoustic neuroma facial paralysis in detail;

  • Sporadic, unilateral acoustic neuromas

This type of acoustic neuroma facial palsy is a type of tumor that occurs in 95% of patients and grows on only one side of the body. This type of tumor is caused by non-hereditary mutations. These unilateral tumors can occur at any age, but are more common in people between the ages of 30 and 60.

  • Genetic, bilateral acoustic neuromas

This type of acoustic neuroma facial nerve palsy is caused by genetic disorders, and because it is a genetic problem, it usually occurs at a younger age. It is also seen in cranial nerve tumors. For this reason, it has a different treatment method than sporadic acoustic neuroma tumors.

What is the Difference Between Unilateral and Bilateral Vestibular Schwannomas?

There are fundamental differences between unilateral and bilateral vestibular schwannomas. When we look at these differences, we can observe that unilateral vestibular schwannomas occur in one ear. Bilateral vestibular schwannomas, on the contrary, occur in both ears. In addition, unilateral acoustic neuroma is common, while bilateral acoustic neuroma palsy is rarer. For this reason, treatment methods are quite different.

What Are The Symptoms of Acoustic Neuroma Facial Palsy?

As with any disease, acoustic neuroma facial nerve palsy also has certain symptoms. These symptoms vary from person to person and are not seen in everyone. Here are the general symptoms of Vestibular Schwannoma;

  • Hearing loss, one of the most common symptoms of the condition, occurs gradually. However, in some progressive cases, hearing loss can occur suddenly.
  • Another symptom of acoustic neuroma facial paralysis is tinnitus. Hearing loss can also occur with this symptom.
  • Many patients may also experience sudden dizziness and loss of balance. In particular, patients are unable to walk steadily in the dark.
  • As the tumor grows over time, it presses on the facial nerve (facial nerve). As a result, numbness or tingling sensation may occur in the face.
  • Larger tumors can cause weakness in facial muscles and even sudden facial paralysis.
  • These tumors, which directly press on the brain stem, can cause difficulties in swallowing and speech over time.

Facial Paralysis Caused by Acoustic Neuroma

Acoustic neuroma can cause facial paralysis in later stages. The main reason for this is that the tumor growing in the ear presses on the facial nerve over time. As a result of this pressure, patients may experience difficulties in moving their face and closing their eyelids. For these reasons, certain treatments are applied to reduce the pressure on the facial nerves and correct the effects of facial paralysis. To take a look at these treatments;

  • Hipoglossal-Fasiyal Sinir Transferi
  • Masseter-Yüz Sinir Transferi
  • Gracilis Kas Nakli
  • Temporalis Tendon Transferi
  • Sinkinezi Ameliyatı

What Causes Acoustic Neuroma Facial Palsy?

There are many reasons why acoustic neuroma facial nerve palsy occurs. One of the most important of these causes is genetic disorders. These defective genetic structures are exposed to the tumor's suppressor mutation, causing Schwann cells to grow uncontrollably. This leads to acoustic neuroma facial palsy.

Another factor in the occurrence of this condition is long-term exposure to high doses of ionizing radiation. These genes, which are exposed to radiation, tumor over time and cause acoustic neuroma. For this reason, we recommend that you stay away from radiation-emitting applications and items as much as possible.

Are Acoustic Neuromas Dangerous?

Acoustic neuromas are usually benign tumors and are not dangerous. However, as they grow and put pressure on surrounding tissues, serious health problems can occur. For these reasons, you should have the disease treated immediately after diagnosis. Otherwise, you may face unwanted consequences such as facial paralysis.

Acoustic Neuroma (Vestibular Schwannoma) Diagnosis

Contrary to popular belief, acoustic neuroma is diagnosed quite easily. When diagnosing, ear examination is performed first. As a result of this physical examination, the surgeon asks questions in the light of the findings. These questions are very important as they facilitate the diagnosis of the disease. After these questions, a hearing test and MRI and CT scans are performed. In this way, the disease is diagnosed more accurately and quickly.

How to Treat Acoustic Neuroma

There are many different treatment methods for vestibular schwannoma. These treatment methods vary depending on the intensity of the disease and the structure of the person. To examine these treatment methods in detail, the treatment methods of acoustic neuroma disease are as follows;

  • Radio Surgery

In this treatment method, the tumor cells are targeted with radio surgery to shrink them. Thus, the tumor visibly shrinks and heals in a short time.

  • Hypoglossal-Facial Nerve Transfer

Hypoglossal-facial nerve transfer is a surgical method rarely used in acoustic neuroma treatments. In this method, when facial nerves are damaged or lose their function, the hypoglossal nerve is used to restore the functionality of the facial nerve. Thus, control of the facial muscles is restored.

  • Masseter-Facial Nerve Transfer

Masseter-Facial Nerve Transfer, which is used in cases where facial nerves are damaged, connects the nerve fibers taken from the masseter muscle to the facial nerve to control facial expressions and provide muscle movements. These connected nerves help the face to move again.

  • Gracilis Muscle Transplant

Gracilis muscle transplantation is a surgical method used to restore facial muscles when the facial nerve is damaged after acoustic neuroma. In this technique, muscle and nerve tissues, usually taken from the gracilis muscle on the inside of the leg, are transplanted to the facial nerve to provide control of the facial muscles. Thanks to these transplanted nerves, facial contractions are eliminated.

  • Temporalis Tendon Transfer

Temporalis tendon transfer, which is also frequently used in the treatment of acoustic neuroma, is a treatment method that targets damage or loss of function in facial nerves. In this treatment method, the tendon of the temporalis muscle is transferred to the facial nerve to provide control of the facial muscles. Thus, the patient regains the patient's facial expressions and facial expressions.

  • Synkinesis Surgery

Synkinesis surgery is a surgical procedure used to treat a condition that can occur after acoustic neuroma and is associated with facial nerve damage. This procedure directly helps to improve facial muscle movements directly. If you would like more detailed information about this treatment, you can visit our synkinesia treatment page.

Acoustic Neuroma Facial Paralysis Surgery Cost

Turkey, which is in a very favorable position in terms of acoustic neuroma facial palsy procedure, is also very advantageous in vestibular schwannoma. The main reason for this is that there is excessive competition in acoustic neuroma facial nerve palsy surgeries.In addition to this, another reason why the cost of vestibular schwannoma is affordable is that Turkey is more favorable in terms of exchange rate and the Ministry of Health provides great support to aesthetic centers.

When we compare the cost of acoustic neuroma facial paralysis surgery in Istanbul with the cost in other cities, we can conclude that Istanbul is more affordable. The main reason for this is that there is more competition in Istanbul.

Doctor Berke, One of Turkey's Best Acoustic Neuroma Surgeons

Dr. Be, one of the most successful acoustic neuroma surgeons in Turkey, offers perfect results in acoustic neuroma surgery. Thus, it allows you to have the look you want by achieving your dream look without any problems.

Publications about Facelift & Rejuvenation

Modified Composite-Flap Facelift Combined With Finger-Assisted Malar Elevation (FAME): A Cadaver Study.

Cakmak O, Özücer B, Aktekin M, Özkurt FE, Al-Salman R, Emre IE.

Aesthet Surg J. 2018 Nov 12;38(12):1269-1279. doi: 10.1093/asj/sjy062.

PMID: 29509842

Surgical Approach to the Thick Nasolabial Folds, Jowls and Heavy Neck-How to Approach and Suspend the Facial Ligaments.

Cakmak O, Emre IE, Özücer B.

Facial Plast Surg. 2018 Feb;34(1):59-65. doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1615283. Epub 2018 Feb 6.

PMID: 29409105 Review.

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